
Life of a Dyslexic Student. Dealing with student life: homework, notes, social activities, and so much more.

Location: Chestertown, MD, United States

I have dyslexia. I will never run from this fact. I love it, hate it and live with it constantly.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Released and free!

Well I’m waiting for a few more responses to the question at the end of my last post before answering them. But some people were asking about how my imagination was ‘shackled’ as I mentioned before and I would like to address that one now. My mind is always doing things, the little movements out of the corner of your eye; my mind sees them and makes things from them. A floating eye or a laughing ghost from light reflected in my own glasses. Colors each have a life and flavor in my mind, I’m seeing an old brown plaid couch out of the corner of my eye but at the same time I’m seeing chocolate bar the size of, well, a couch, I can smell it and I wish I could get up and eat it. My mouth is seriously watering for chocolate now, damn… Anyway.

My medication made the light interesting sparkles and the couch look uncomfortable. Everything fantastic and new at every turn died. I am Calvin without Hobbs or his alter ego Space Man Spiff. Even as I write a ten page paper for my Fiction class I feel and see my imagination rocking out to my Chinese Techno Classical music selection bouncing between the stars and strumming the tails of chilly comets like strings. On medication my imagination barely did a lame dance in the corner out of time with the music.

My imagination was my balloon which lifted my spirits and brightened my day. I am well and truly happier without little pills regulating my life.

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Monday, December 3, 2007


I was asked today if I enjoyed reading things upside down. A rather odd question don't you think? I responded with, Yes. I enjoy reading, in any form. But the question got me thinking about the misconceptions about dyslexia and what it entails. There are many different facets to any Learning Disability and dyslexia is one of the most complicated. When last I checked there were approximately 18 different learning disabilities that were considered subsets or parts of dyslexia. Anything from dysnomia (Inability to remember names) to dyscalculia (Inability to do math) and even nonverbal learning disabilities (Difficulty recognizing facial expressions and tone) all can fall under dyslexia.

Due to this wide variety of symptoms and diagnosis Dyslexia is, in my mind at least, an umbrella term for learning disabilities in general, and has become the catchall diagnosis for the Learning disabled.

But back to my original issue. There are many notions and even disagreements about what it means to be dyslexic and I would like feedback and especially questions from people reading this blog so I can try and clarify things. Please don't be shy. Either as comments or as e-mails or whatever, please speak up and I will respond to them with my next post.

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